TECplus likes to help people with building knowledge about machine safety. Sound knowledge helps to design, realize and maintain safe machines and (production) installations.

Image - TECplus Training e-learning

“Continuously grow in knowledge”

TECplus is happy to help people build knowledge about machine safety. Thorough knowledge helps to design, realize and maintain safe machines and (production) installations.

We offer a number of options for taking courses and training:

  • In-company training or on location at TECplus
  • Online training from your own workplace or office
TECplus samen groeien in kennis
TECplus e-learning oplossingen

Adjusted for your specific situation

All courses are given by experienced and knowledgeable specialists. The interactive elements in our training courses bring together practice and theory in an understandable way.

In consultation, it is possible to tailor the training to the work situation and cases within your company.

For more information about courses and training, please contact us:

Courses and trainings:

TECplus check

Introduction machine safety

TECplus check

Machinery directive, basic knowledge

TECplus check

Hazard analysis and risk assessment for machines

TECplus check

Machine Safety Standards and applying them

TECplus check

Writing operating instructions for machines

TECplus check

Construction of the Technical File

TECplus check

Assemblies of machines and CE marking

TECplus check

Safety impact when changes are made to machines and installations